
Keeping Score: Credit Category Basics

A question that our previous post begs is, "How do I know how green I can get?" The answer is that we sat down, before we even started design, with our Green Rater and performed a preliminary evaluation of the credits we felt we could acheive given our site, our climate, our personal goals, and of course, our budget. As we take you through the construction process, we will get into specific credits and how we approached them, but here is a quick overview of the eight credit categories in the LEED for Homes rating system.

  • Innovation & Design Process (ID)
  • Location & Linkages (LL)
  • Sustainable Sites (SS)
  • Water Efficiency (WE)
  • Energy & Atmosphere (EA)
  • Materials & Resources (MR)
  • Indoor Environmental Quality (EQ)
  • Awareness & Education (AE)